National associations

At a national level, implementation of the ALGAO:UK strategy often requires different approaches given the varying legislative, planning and policy frameworks, and the need to work in partnership with devolved government, and different national agencies and organisations.

Three national associations, ALGAO:Cymru, ALGAO:England and ALGAO:Scotland, carry out much of the Association's work, each guided by their own implementation strategy, and overseen by the UK Executive. Each of these Association has its own Strategy and Implementation Plan linked to that of ALGAO:UK.

Find out more about the work and activities of the three ALGAO national associations below.

Our work


ALGAO:Cymru is the national ALGAO body for Wales. Arrangements for the provision of archaeological information and advice to Local Authorities and National Parks in Wales differ from those in England and Scotland.


ALGAO:England is made up of nine regions: East of England; East Midlands; London; North East; North West; South East; South West; West Midlands; Yorkshire and Humber.


ALGAO:Scotland represents archaeologists working for, or on behalf of, Local Government and National Parks in Scotland and whose task is to protect, manage and promote the historic environment.