Chair: Tomos Jones, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

Vice-Chair: Jenny Emmett, Heneb: The Trust for Welsh Archaeology; Geraldine Gerrard, Heneb: The Trust for Welsh Archaeology

Executive Committee: Judith Doyle, Heneb: The Trust for Welsh Archaeology; Alice Pyper, Heneb: The Trust for Welsh Archaeology; Alice Thorne, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority; Abi McCullough, Heneb: The Trust for Welsh Archaeology; John Roberts, Snowdonia National Park Authority

These pages will provide information on particular issues for the Association relating to Wales.

ALGAO:Cymru is the national ALGAO body for Wales. Arrangements for the provision of archaeological information and advice to Local Authorities and National Parks in Wales differ from those in England and Scotland.

The four regional Welsh Archaeological Trusts were set up in the 1970s in response to the increasing damage to Wales' historic environment as a result of the lack of specialist archaeological advice available to local planning authorities. ALGAO:Cymru members include archaeologists within the three National Park Authorities and within the Trusts, who provide planning and heritage management advice to and on behalf of local planning authorities, and maintain the statutory Historic Environment Records on behalf of the Welsh Ministers. in 2024, the four Welsh Trusts merged into a single unit named Heneb: The Trust for Welsh Archaeology. The work of members includes oversight of development-led archaeological work, strategic comment on local and national policy, advice to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and other organisations, and community engagement to build understanding and support for Wales' historic environment. ALGAO:Cymru's responses to national consultations are published on this page. 

In addition to representation on ALGAO:UK subject committees, ALGAO:Cymru has two specialist committees, which meet annually: the Planning and Legislation Committee (Cymru/Wales) and the Countryside Committee (Cymru/Wales). These provide a forum for members to discuss matters of pan-Wales interest and for the Countryside Committee in particular, to engage with representatives from partner organisations such as Cadw, the National Trust and NRW.


ALGAO:Cymru - Constitution 2020
43.54 KB
ALGAO:Cymru - Terms of Reference 2020
54.09 KB