The Countryside Committee is made up of representatives from each ALGAO Region, with key partners invited to attend. The Committee has a facilitating role, working with key partners including Historic England, Natural England and the Rural Payments Agency, regarding all matters concerning the historic environment and land management matters.
The Association promotes good practice in sustainable and integrated archaeological and countryside conservation management through improved sites and landscape management techniques. To achieve this, the Committee encourages the adoption of good practice on all levels and seeks to promote integrated site management works undertaken by members as exemplars of good practice. Such emphasis will be extended into the wider public arena to raise awareness and promote further links between the historic environment and the landscape.
The Countryside Committee
The Committee aims to ensure early and effective input into the development of government policy and advice to ensure that management of archaeological sites and historic landscapes are considered an intrinsic component of wider countryside management. The Committee has recently undergone a reorganisation, it now consists of:
- A core Regional Panel with a representative from the eight ALGAO regions who jointly carry out the work of the Committee and representatives from our external partners
- A wider forum of all members of ALGAO organisations and external members who regularly work on land management projects such as Countryside Stewardship, Woodland schemes and other countryside conservation projects.
An annual CPD event with a focus on Committee updates, training and learning will take the place of the former annual meetings. These should be held before or at the start of the HEFER consultation window.
Current England Land Management Schemes
- Forestry Commission online consultations
- Countryside Stewardship - Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England (SHINE)
Scottish Rural Development Schemes (SRDP)
Visit the Scottish government SRDP home page.
The 2014-2020 SRDP includes:
- Historic England Local Management Training Programme.
- Forestry Commission Scotland Forests and historic environment training course, aimed at woodland managers.