Subject Committee: Countryside - consultation responses

See below for ALGAO consultation responses associated with the Countryside subject committee.

15 consultation responses found

Consultation on Protecting Hedgerows

Hedgerows are important ecological building blocks across our landscapes. They provide habitat, act as wildlife corridors, slow soil erosion and water run-off, support crop pollinators and sequester carbon.
Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside

Historic England Draft Industrial Heritage Strategy

The consultation on the Strategy which sets out the key priorities for our internationally important industrial heritage closed on 7 June 2021.
Categories: Countryside

Environmental Principles under the Environment Bill (England)

This will introduce five environmental principles, committing the government to building back greener. These principles are:
Categories: Countryside

Agriculture (Wales) Bill

The Welsh Government recently consulted on the legislative framework to support Welsh agriculture and are seeking views on proposals for:
Categories: ALGAO:Cymru; Countryside

ALGAO Consultation response - ELMs

A response was submitted by ALGAO to the recent consultation by DEFRA on the proposals for the new Environmental Land Management Scheme currently planned to come into effect in 2024.
Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside

England Tree Strategy

The new strategy will set out policies to expand tree cover, support woodland management and increase public engagement with trees and woodlands.
Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside

Environment Bill Inquiry

See details of the Environment Bill Inquiry.The ALGAO response was provided by ALGAO:England.
Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside; Planning & legislation

Consultation response: Draft indicators and metrics for the 25 Year Environment Plan

ALGAO response on measuring environmental change - draft indicators framework for the 25 Year Environment Plan.
Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside

Landscapes Review: Call for Evidence

Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside

Consultation Response: Natural England Byelaws for SSSIs

Categories: ALGAO:England; Countryside