Levelling up and Regeneration Act 2023

Friday, 27th October 2023

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill has become an Act, this gives HERs in England statutory protection in law. Granted Royal Assent on 26th October, the details of the Act will be published shortly. 

"Thanks to all those who have worked over all the years to get it this far to Statutory HERs. Particular thanks to ALGAO and the HER Committee as well as Historic England, CIfA, CBA and other heritage organisations who have pulled the strings behind the scenes. I remember back in 2006 I think it was, after I had just started working at Warwickshire, I ended up going to the old English Heritage offices at Colmore Row in Birmingham, we were meeting to discuss elements relating to the Heritage Protection White Paper/Bill with particular discussions about statutory HERs. Now almost 18 years later, we have finally done it and I am sure some of you will remember talking about statutory HERs many years before that. It has certainly be a long journey!"

Ben Wallace, Chair, HER Committee ALGAO: UK.

‘’Today we welcome the fantastic news that Royal Assent has been given to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill which will see HER’s become statutory in England for the first time. This is a momentous achievement for the sector and is down to many years of hard work and lobbying by ALGAO members and our many partners across the sector including the LGA, Historic England, Heritage Alliance, CIFA and others.’’

John Lawson, Chief Executive ALGAO: UK
